Originally Posted by Tony Montana
The final season was a huge disappointment, it was so rushed and full of plot holes, and that cliffhanger was so pointless. There should've been 10 episodes instead of 6 seeing as there were a lot of unanswered questions. Johnny was so wasted too. After everyone complained about Modie being wasted you'd think they would've learned their lesson, but nope I see they haven't.
The show suffered without Jamie, which I had a feeling would happen but was optimisitic that it would end on a high. How wrong was I.
Yeah I agree it was like they just wanted to get it done....poor ending as well
'put a bit of lippy on and run a brush through your hair, we are alcoholics, not savages'
Originally Posted by Beso
Livelier than Izaaz, and hes got 2 feet.