Originally Posted by Maru
We don't have to be cruel to be kind as mothers... we should be straight-up and I'm all about tough love, but we don't put our personal business out there in magazines unless we want to start something... especially with all the other kinds of things and harassment that goes on online, the kinds of people out there who will stalk and harass her someone for the most insane of reasoning(s)... we don't know what these people are capable of... and the media is predatorial... her mother injecting her own venom into the equation, which we've just admitted is cruel, adds more toxic solution to that equation by inadvertently enabling any other outright nonsense they write about her... I'm not saying we should feel overly sympathetic, she chose to be in the public eye... but it's not wrong to expect as a person that our mother's love to be unconditional...
How can you be 'straight up' when your daughters wont listen to you... (just like you wont listen to me.. Im being straight up but your not listening to me)... you think shes in a dangerous position now (with stalkers) because of her mother... what!... she put herself in that position when she meets guys to have sex with them .. or when the tape get watched by 1,000 of strangers... She puts her life in danger when she goes to these strip clubs every night and has to walk home late at night after... she put her life in danger when she tried to turn against the president (a president who has lots of gun loving supports)... believe me her mum is not making her life worse ... stormy is the one doing that... like you said "we don't know what these people are capable of... " but dont blame it on the mum... she just wants her to stop!
Ps I belive God the Mother Hates the world because the world treats her like crap! do not give me this crap about "it's not wrong to expect as a person that our mother's love to be unconditional.."
A Mothers love must have limits or else her kids will only just abuse and take advantage of her... just see what people have done to woman in the past or how they destroy this world with fly tipping and pollution! what how most would laugh at the thought of god being a woman!
A Mother must think ahead in these cases!... thats why mother nature can be a b*tch!