This reaction of 'ignoring the people!!!1' and such when another possible ref comes up is rather amusing,
especially when its done/started by farage, given he (and his fans) were already crowing about another referendum when they didn't think it would go their way before the votes were confirmed.. When it turned out they had won narrowly, suddenly its an awful awful thing to say..well..nothing in it despite him laying the groundworks for that exact reaction himself...
I had someone fall out with me on FB the other day because I gave the quote from my sig as a reply to someone kicking off about Brexit, they started kicking off even more..saying 'bloody remoaners' and such. So of course, I told them it was Farage, not a remainer (though I would argue that farage wants attention, not to leave because basically..leaving means he loses his gravy chain. BUT, he has to keep his profile up at the same time. Walking a bit of a tightrope!), they didn't believe me, put links, they said the links were left wing nonsense
Because yeah, the telegraph is definitely denial. Then saw him going off on one again about the same damn thing that he had just ran away from
As for the topic, Eltnon John is a pompous arse.