Originally Posted by MTVN
He is indeed a hero, probably even more chance of winning now if this whole leaving the house thing does harm Rylan's chances
I do hope all this talk of Rylan today doesn't spoil his chances too..I like Rylan for his humour and respect him 100% for standing up when noone else did in the face of all things unworthy (speidi) on a few occasions..
but razor thrughout the show.. has been an absolute pleasure and what a good sport! blimey not many people would have done all the tasks he has done during the show.. a down to earth all round great chap

standing up for what's right and sitting down legs a kimbo for all things 'gross the haters out'

not a care in the world relaxed being himself great guy

I respect that the most in a HM (alongside a HM being able to make me laugh)
PS I would like his snoring as my ringtone

when my friend that can talk the legs of a donkey calls
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