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02-08-2009, 09:14 AM | #1 | |||
I'm getting angry
Below is what I believe to be Bea's gameplan in relation to the other housemates
Charlie - I haven't seen a concrete plan for Bea in regards to Charlie yet, probably due to her main targets (Noirin, Lisa etc) taking up all her time over the last while. The fact that Charlie is a drifter, and tries to get on wih everyone will no doubt be used against him by Bea. She has already used him to have a go at Lisa during the task, and I can't see the fact that he stuck up Noirin going unnoticed or unpunished by Bea David - I think Bea see's David for what he is, little more then Lisa's pet poodle. She will deal with Lisa first as he is incapable of surviving on his own. He will need someone to latch onto and it wouldnt surprise me if she recruits him for team Bea Freddie - Freddie is the HM where her gameplan begins and ends. When Bea entered the house first she knew that Freddie was by far the most popular HM. She used this info to her advantage by firstly replicating his behaviour ie. by being the positive, hippy, enjoy the experience type HM. Secondly she immediatly went out of her way to befriend Freddie before anyone else. At the time Freddie had been nominated for 5 consecutive weeks and was in a vulnerable position. An added bonus was the fact Freddie fancied her. Bea made sure not to go down the Noirin path but she has still used it to her advantage So what are her intentions towards Freddie? Well we've already seen her starting to sow the seeds with some anti Freddie comments, and I think in terms of nominations she'll let the other HM's do her dirty work. I think she'll keep him around until she has Lisa gone and then you may seem him worked out of her group Hira - Lets face it she is no threat to Bea. She will probably keep her around due to this fact and the fact she is easily manipulated Lisa - Bea's next target. At this moment in time Lisa probably wields the most influence in the house, which is the position Bea wants. With Noirin gone Bea can see the position she will be in if she gets rid of Lisa, as there are no other strong female characters. As Bea knows, Lisa is not popular outside the house, its getting her nominated thats the challange. Freddie will do what hes told, and after the row with Charlie their could be a nomination there. Could she turn Sophie against her ???? Marcus - its intriguing what Bea is doing with Marcus. I particularly enjoed the comment "the first victory for team Marcus". Lets face it, we all know Bea is running that show, but interestingly she's letting the irrepressable dark horse think hes running the show. She's playing Marcus perfectly. She knows of his need for hugs and shes feeding his ego by letting him think he's calling the shots. Basically he is being set up as a patsy. I see her keeping him around as long as possible as I think she would be confident of beating him in a public vote Rodrigo - For Rodrigo I think its a bit of a watch this space. She hasnt really shown her intentions here yet Siavash - Again what she's doing here is quite sly. By disguising her attack on Noirin as it being a case of her sticking up for the wrong treatment of her friend Siavash, she managed to turn the house against Noirin while also highlighting how Siavash was played for a fool. Her treatment of Siavash has been interesting, almost treating him like a love sick teenager. Its making him appear somewhat patethic and even with Noirin gone she keeps bringing it up I think Siavash is the one HM she has actually over estimated at the moment, as he is not impressed with her constantly bringing it up. I smell a nomination for Bea Sophie - I think she'll recruit Sophie by "killing her with kindness" - once she befriends Sophie she will have no problem manipulating her |
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02-08-2009, 09:17 AM | #2 | |||
van der Woodsen
I agree with a lot of your points, I think ultimately her gameplan surrounds what she saw of the house before she entered. At that time, "Team Marcus"(at the time, Team Freddie - Siavash, Freddie and Marcus) were the victims from the outside and largely popular.
Now when she's got in the house, she's decided to not only side with them, but attempt to catapult herself to the top of the hierarchy with them. As with Noirin - she had the male vote, and the attention of the men in the house. By removing this risk, she now see's herself safely in the position of single female in the house. I agree with what you say about Siavash, so far she's the only one bringing it up, and it seems like a masked attempt to make him seem pathetic. Saying she'll get his earrings back etc. |
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02-08-2009, 09:19 AM | #3 | ||
Senior Member
Bea is the alpha female in waiting...
Believe me Lisa is next in her sights |
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02-08-2009, 09:23 AM | #4 | ||
Senior Member
I agree with most of that. I think everyone loved Bea at first but the cracks are starting to show, I will give her another 10 days to carry this on because you can only be fake for so long and you get really mentally tired of it.
We have already seen her manipulation in effect with getting rid of Tom by telling her that Nora didnt fancy him (even though she had been told the previous night by Nora she did), and a few other things which she has left out important information to housemates. The annoying thing for me was when she suddenly stopped talking to Freddie for a few days because she felt she had built her little power base and dropped him. People saw that and she started to speak to him again. I think Freddie is 100% aware of what she is doing to him so watch that one because we all know he will come out with it sooner or later! |
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02-08-2009, 09:23 AM | #5 | |||
Senior Member
I think you are absolutely right. She's playing a very clever game and in spite of it I like her a lot and think she's a great HM. I hope she'll be in the final although Roddy and Freddie are my favourites.
I'm sure Freddie understands the game she's playing and won't be damaged by her. |
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02-08-2009, 09:24 AM | #6 | |||
I'm getting angry
I think Bea without question is most socially intelligent HM as well as being the slyest. Other HM's beware |
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02-08-2009, 09:27 AM | #7 | |||
I'm getting angry
He's like a little puppy dog and its actually making him come accross as patethic. It could cost him the BB10 title |
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02-08-2009, 09:27 AM | #8 | ||
Senior Member
I still like her though because she is upfront with people with opinions. Unlike a few other people (mainly Davith and Lisa) she does not talk about people behind their backs and not to their faces so at least she has that in her favour - she is NOT scared to say what she thinks!
Davith is really scared to say what he thinks unless it is to Lisa about others. Which is kinda weird because he has admitted he is a massive big brother fan and his ambition for 10 years was to be on the show (what ambition he has there, something to stive for hey?!) so he would have watched the show and known that Lisa is very unpopular on the outside so not sure why he would want to put himself in that situation because if he is nominated against anyone other than Lisa he will be gone. |
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02-08-2009, 09:28 AM | #9 | |||
Great post! Very good points.
The Lisa one is spot on. But i feel if Bea and her bitching game plan continues she will find herself up for eviction. People in that house just dont trust her. Its gona backfire. |
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02-08-2009, 09:28 AM | #10 | ||
Senior Member
The reason she said the 1st victory for team marcus is because she plans to have marcus up against lisa this week.None of them wanted to do it really but bea forced the whole thing and was doing her best to get the whole house in on it.
I 100% agree with your post I think she will also drive a wedge between freddie and siavash soon by waiting for siavash to get drunk and asking him for a cuddle Then she will pump siavash with "freddie wont leave me alone bla bla bla" and then its a split and siavash v freddie deleting one big fave in one go |
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02-08-2009, 09:30 AM | #11 | |||
van der Woodsen
For example; When they were in the bedroom about to go on the protest (instigated by Bea), Noirin came in and asked what they were going in the DR in towels for - "Nothing" - Bea replied. Once Noirin had left the room, someone asked Bea why she'd said 'nothing', "I didn't say nothing?" she argued, then realised and went "Oh well... I'll er... tell her then!" trying to sound as if telling Noirin is water off a ducks back. Then her little chats at the bus stop, "I'm going to flirt with Isaac, see how Noirin reacts" - that wasn't said to Noirin nor Isaacs face. It was a game played by Bea to turn people against everyone else. |
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02-08-2009, 09:30 AM | #12 | ||
Senior Member
As I said, she will be rumbled sooner or later because if you are being fake, you cannot do it for 6 or 7 weeks which she would need to do to get to the end. Its funny that Tom and Nora said the same thing about her so she is already being sussed. Lisa has her sussed and I reckon Marcus has too but at the moment he is using her too because she helped save him this week. I do not think there would be a team Marcus if it was Bea vs Marcus! |
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02-08-2009, 09:33 AM | #13 | |||
I'm getting angry
For example The towel Brigage head into the diary room to plead for Norin's eviction: Norin: What are you going into ask for Bea: Nothing (Norin leaves the room) freddie: You should have told the truth about what your going to do Bea: She didnt ask And then when Bea was sewing the team Marcus "M" onto her t-shirt Isaac: Whats that your putting on your t-shirt. Is it a "W" Bea: I just really like sewing Upfront and honest indeed |
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02-08-2009, 09:34 AM | #14 | |||
Senior Member
I think Marcus is her biggest target after Lisa.
She is subtly going to play to his weaknest ( SEX - he doesn't get none and behaves like TEABAG) She knows this gets on the BB audiences nerves and makes h/ms think he's pathetic. She is definately going to protest outrageous offence at some point and sink the Numpity. |
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02-08-2009, 09:35 AM | #15 | ||
Senior Member
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02-08-2009, 09:37 AM | #16 | |||
I'm getting angry
In terms of her being put up for evicition I think shes smart enough to tone her behaviour down coming up to nominations each week |
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02-08-2009, 09:38 AM | #17 | ||
Senior Member
Loved the post. I agree for the most part, I think also she knows that Hira opposes no threat and thus she will keep her around, until she needs to cut ties at the end. She is definetly trying to get all the thinkers out.
As for the Marcus thing, Marcus wants to believe he is the alpha-male, the leader, the king pin.. he never really was or is.. She makes Marcus feel empowered but she's the one calling the shots at the end of the day. |
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02-08-2009, 09:39 AM | #18 | |||
I'm getting angry
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02-08-2009, 09:41 AM | #19 | ||
Senior Member
I do not think she will win because we have seen that she is sly by playing people off against each other and basically playing people. The housemates are not stupid (apart from David and Charlie) and will suss this out if they have not already. At the moment there is a convenient truce - cant wait to see the nominations this week because nora has gone and the only arguments have been roddy vs charlie as usual. I wonder if people will vote bea or will keep her in for a bit. I think this week it will be Lisa vs Marcus or Lisa vs Davith |
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02-08-2009, 09:41 AM | #20 | |||
I'm getting angry
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02-08-2009, 09:45 AM | #21 | ||
Senior Member
I 100% think she will never win this show though because we have seen through her so even if she is against Marcus in the final, Marcus would win. You saw her talking about the money last night (thought that was against the rules?) and asking people what they would do with Ł100k. I think the way she worded it was probably good because it was not "what would you do with the money if you win" but was a different and clever way of saying it. Some people did not want to get involved in the discussion and said nothing or walked off. She is trying to see what people would do with the money and then will come up with a better reason why she should win instead of them. Dangerous talk considering there are still quite a few weeks left. |
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02-08-2009, 09:45 AM | #22 | |||
Senior Member
I think Beas game plan is bloody brilliant !
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02-08-2009, 09:50 AM | #23 | |||
I'm getting angry
i can't see it ever happening though |
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02-08-2009, 09:50 AM | #24 | ||
Senior Member
Freddie has been spot on with most things and so has Marcus. They can see things other people can not. I think he at least knows something is going on because he can not go from getting everything spot on to being completely oblivious to what Bea is doing - he is too socially aware for that imo. He must have got the vibes from her because she basically went two days without speaking to him. He has also started to go to bed earlier than the others too. What I found amusing the other day bea told Freddie that he was getting involved with things he shouldnt do but then Bea has been 100% worse in that sense! I think that was her way of muscling in and taking over that role. |
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02-08-2009, 09:54 AM | #25 | ||
Senior Member
I think the nicest person should win and that is Freddie imo. Charlie has the "because he needs the money" excuse and will win a lot of votes but I hope he does not win just because he needs the money.
I think also when new housemates come in they should not have been allowed to watch the show because in my opinion it gives them an unfair advantage. If they know that new people are coming in before the show starts they should keep them in a separate house or something with no outside contact. Bea has used her outside knowledge very well. The person that used it the worst was Tom (but then again maybe Davith because he has got with Lisa knowing she is hated) |
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