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Big Brother USA Post about the Big Brother USA and the HouseGuests here. |
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01-07-2022, 03:22 PM | #1 | |||
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01-07-2022, 09:46 PM | #2 | |||
Senior Member
Hopefully it'll be better than the last Canadian series and the Cookout series.
They were both too race baity imo.
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07-07-2022, 11:01 PM | #3 | |||
Rule #1: Never Be #2
Just a whole load of more tripe. Having the puppets "scan tickets" etc.. pretending a "random" machine is telling them where to go..when it's clear their stations had already been pre-determined. Same as who was handpicked to be given that "backstage boss" nonsense. Pet-freak privileges already being gifted to pet-pouch. PATHETIC. And America has been asked to "impact the game" by saving one of the 3 weak females who already find themselves in danger. The moronic voters, completely ignorant of the fact their votes count for ZILCH since PATHETIC PRODUCTION will be gifting the safety to whichever one THEY favour.
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08-07-2022, 01:58 AM | #4 | |||
Senior Member
I don't know why they never let the series play out at least a little bit naturally. Tbf I have yet to watch anything of this series yet, but I can believe you that it's heavily rigged.
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10-07-2022, 04:32 AM | #5 | |||
Senior Member
I watched the launch.
I've got to be honest I have never felt so bored watching a BB launch show before. My main issue was how much time was dedicated to three mini tasks before the actual HOH, I wanted actual time to be devoted to the dynamics in the house, and getting to know the HG's a little bit, which imo neither goal was achieved. Hopefully the next episode is better.
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10-07-2022, 11:18 PM | #6 | |||
Rule #1: Never Be #2
That was a tweet by Xavier. The same clown who was the leader of the biggest racist group to ever exist on BB, railroading and mocking every non-black houseguest in a ludicrous, self-proclaimed 'cause' that was fancified by all idiots into a nauseating holier-than-thou "mission"(A sinister "mission" that only an arrogant fool or complete idiot couldn't see could prove problematic for future seasons..) Relying on grossly exaggerated or pure mythical "facts" to justify his own racist crew, X and his bullshyte gang did nothing but widen the gap between races,, and yet HE has the audacity to pipe up and cry like a little bitch when 1 single POC is emerging as possible target for eviction. Truly PATHETIC. |
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11-07-2022, 12:37 AM | #7 | |||
Senior Member
And from what I can gather from what people are saying on Jokers, it seems like Taylor is being disliked by the other girls in the house, which I'm taking to mean that she's possibly showmancing a guy that the other girls want to Showmance, might be confident in herself (looks and capability etc) or all of the above. Racism seems to be less of a thing, because why aren't any of the guys really hating her then? It seems to me like Xavier is just trying to excuse his racist gameplay style from his own season.
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11-07-2022, 12:42 AM | #8 | |||
Senior Member
And also didn't the Cookout completely ostracize Derek X from their group just because of the colour of his skin?
I honestly don't think that Xavier has a leg to stand on when it comes to racist gameplay.
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11-07-2022, 02:24 AM | #9 | |||
Rule #1: Never Be #2
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11-07-2022, 04:38 AM | #10 | |||
Senior Member
As I haven't watched any Live Feed of this particular series yet, would you say that Taylor is receiving racism?
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11-07-2022, 06:17 PM | #11 | |||
Rule #1: Never Be #2
The silly accusations of racism(and of course "bullying" on top of it) is being spread like it's gospel. When in reality, she's being treated no differently to any other poor player. Aside from not talking game with anyone early on, she's been going around with an air of superiority. Hardly a form of endearment. She's also been stupidly badmouthing the HOH(calling him IDIOT behind his back) BEFORE noms have been settled. But all her shortcomings are to be ignored or overlooked because she's POC? or because she's the typical "sassy black girl" character that the likes of RHAP love to shove their full nauseating support behind? pffft. Those idiots are RAGING that the girl they were all getting ready to hype up as another "genius" type player(the same ludicrous way they did with the obscenely overrated Tiffany), has been EXPOSED for the weak bull artist she is. But instead of simply acknowledging that's why her game is going up in smoke, they're creating tons of "racist/bullying" fiction to explain her sharp downfall. It truly is PATHETIC but you can't expect anything better from such clowns.
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11-07-2022, 07:24 PM | #12 | |||
Senior Member
Last edited by Mystic Mock; 11-07-2022 at 07:25 PM. |
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13-07-2022, 12:38 AM | #13 | |||
Rule #1: Never Be #2
I hear they're cooking up a crappy "twist" for this upcoming eviction. This of course gives them a golden opportunity to pander to and appease the freaks who are so DESPERATE to see the hopeless Taylor stay. And the absurd moment this happens is the very moment I'll be ditching this PATHETIC show. POC and their neighbouring, self-righteous, agenda driven, non-POC "colleagues" clearly won't be happy until ALL POC can walk around the house with 'Can't Touch This' T-shirts on, being completely immune from eviction process. They may as well cast the US version like it's BB Africa. Because it's clearly gotten to the stage where "bully" and "racist" is being shouted from rooftops the moment any POC(especially one the fanatical freaks decide is worthy of "protecting") is being considered for the chop. PATHETIC.
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15-07-2022, 12:08 AM | #14 | |||
Rule #1: Never Be #2
Paloma has apparently left the building. Whether this was HER decision or not, it's definitely best for her in the long run. As once she(+the house) were informed of the pathetic furore happening on the social over the make-believe racist/bullying behaviour that was going on, she(acknowledged as the chosen HATE figure "leader"..) was only ever on a hiding to nothing. This of course makes the "Taylor must be saved" "twist" even easier to RIG. Note that most enthusiasts of this game are normally sticklers for fairness(and can be heard bemoaning "twists"/decisions and outcomes that are ludicrous and unfair) BUT if it significantly benefits their rotten favourite, all of a sudden they're blowing trumpets and nauseatingly celebrating like it's awesome to have such a silly bastard "twist" that drastically alters the game. PATHETIC. And since I already KNOW the pandering/placating outcome of what is supposed to be "chance" event that's happening shortly,, I'm OUT. Have a good time viewing the rest of this "woke", unrealistic, absurd barrel of crud.
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16-07-2022, 04:48 AM | #15 | |||
Senior Member
I don't mind the odd twist in a season (especially if it's making a dull series become interesting) but nowadays it's nearly every week there's a twist. I would rather that most weeks the game plays out naturally, even if it's not going my way.
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18-07-2022, 12:52 AM | #16 | ||
Senior Member
Hi guys. I’m trying to remember the name of the site (or the most reliable and longest lasting one at least) that live streams BB USA and BB Canada episodes from (I believe) the US.
If anyone could please let me know what it’s called I would be most grateful thanks! I realise it’s probably not the best idea to just post it here so it’s probably a better idea to send it to me via a PM. As for Taylor’s drama. I went right off her the second she started embarrassing herself on the pool table. Just ‘cringe’. That’s all, lol. |
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18-07-2022, 02:38 AM | #17 | |||
Senior Member
That's not Taylor's fault tbf, but it makes me resent her fans tbh as these same people rooted for a racist alliance last season, the irony. For me I want gameplay back in BBUSA, I don't care who wins as long as it stops being about race or gender, the two topics that BBUSA have a bad habit of falling into lately. And I'm sorry I don't know what website you're on about.
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18-07-2022, 01:50 PM | #18 | |||
Mode: Broken
I know.
But it does not work anymore. Last edited by Calderyon; 18-07-2022 at 01:54 PM. |
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04-08-2022, 08:07 PM | #19 | |||
Senior Member
I too really miss the gameplay aspect of the show.
Forever missing BB 2000 - 2006 |
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05-08-2022, 02:17 AM | #20 | |||
Senior Member
Well it's meant to be the bread and butter of the Show isn't it?
I feel like BB12 mildly started this trend of prejudiced alliances dominating the game, and then BB15 took it that one step further, and then The Cookout has done permanent damage to the BBUSA brand. Sadly our era of BBUSA seems to be long gone.
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06-08-2022, 12:08 AM | #21 | |||
Rule #1: Never Be #2
It's become apparent that any real/raw behaviour in the show is now being questioned and scrutinised to the point where "game" trajectory is more predictable than ever. The woke and the rancid hypocrites have strangled the game into its current limp state.
Take this ridiculous season, where production have been forced to serve up rubbish "twists" to find a way to justify white or POC placing 2 of the same opposite color of themselves OTB without it being viewed as anything other than sinister(born via the proud legacy of "The Cookout") Of course, fully intended or not, this ludicrous "twist" has turned into handy 2-sided coin for them.. as they've ensured it's structured in a way that safegaurds multi HGs/giant alliance(as if the game isn't insanely predictable and boring enough ) Aside from all that rubbish, we had normal bitchiness and backstabbing that was quickly BLOWN UP into "bullying", "racism"(and they somehow managed to launch "colorism" into the mix,, one can only wonder what the next "ism" will be..) by a bunch of freaks who couldn't handle their "queen" being so easily snuffed out of the game. So they chuck their toys out the pram, threaten to boycott the season, cancel subs to live streams etc.. put enough pressure on production so that they slam the panic button and enter into CHEAT MODE..and that's ultimately what destroyed any authentic(at least semi, given the rigged control they have over blind bastard comps..with obvious penchant for helping pet-freaks) path for the season. The moment production interfered and made the puppets aware of outside "perception", all of sudden the target on Taylor was zapped away like it never existed, and Turner(who was a virtual ghost until he conveniently "won" much needed HOH) is seen standing up giving anti-bullying speech(clearly written by production) accepting his encouraged/FORCED role with aplomb after realising he will at least be spared the venomous abuse he was in line for if daring not to pander to pet-freak Taylor - along with the other idiotic members who got together to include her in a completely "unfeigned" steamroll alliance. Again, giant alliances that dominate for weeks have forever been despised, but this time the hatred has been buried and the fickle fans are rolling around like pigs in shyte simply because their "queen" is now involved in one. PATHETIC. I'm no longer watching the trash but I understand from those who still are, the show may as well change its name to 'Big Taylor'. As not only have they activated CHEAT MODE for her by basically backing the rest of the players into a corner and SCARING them into never targeting her(essentially gifting her an absurd bye to the end) the editors are working overtime to sell this fraudulent garbage to the general public. Trying to FORCE-FEED viewers this "poor me".."hard done by" person as a "worthy winner". For those of you who were keeping up to date with the feeds early on, you'll be aware that leaving all the MYTHICAL bullying aside, Taylor has faced no greater trials&tribulations than what Brittany has. Brittany was subject to the same bitchiness/"ostracising" house treatment.. and yet 1 case is brought ROARING to the fore while the other case is kept firmly in the dark like it's of no importance? Tell me how that makes any sense?? Could it be that while one individual looks like she'd could be found in modeling mags, the other looks like she could've stood in for Kathy Bates in Misery?? and by that fact alone, the former case is treated as "special", strongly implying that the difference in "beauty" is what determines the level of outrage felt. That is sadly the deeply shallow, highly moronic setting this show's fan base is clearly stationed on. Speaking of morons, take a lil gander at the type of "respect" many of the "hi-moralled" Taylor stans have afforded Ameerah.. |
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06-08-2022, 01:46 AM | #22 | |||
Senior Member
How the **** can they compare Taylor being outplayed to the **** that Candice went through in her series? And Jesus Christ at the racism in nearly all of these Tweets, and they think that they have the moral high ground? Delusional freaks. And the twists to keep Taylor in the game is the reason why I'll never watch BBUSA again, I honestly don't even have anything against Taylor, but the Show has honestly lost the plot with rigging her to safety in the first week. If a player is honestly that bad at the game that they have to be saved in the first week by production, then that person is piss poor at the game, it's simple as that.
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06-08-2022, 04:40 PM | #23 | |||
Rule #1: Never Be #2
Spot-on, Mystic. It's not about having any actual ill-feeling toward any particular player. It's about calling out the sheer idiocy of production gifting a MAJOR leg-up to these types. It virtually RUINS a whole season for any neutral by having the entire season revolve around them. The entitlement that most of these pet-freaks exhibit(inc Taylor) once they know they're on easy street with the full backing of production.. becomes nauseating to watch. And when the real arrogance and cockiness comes out once they know have the majority of the public on side,, THAT is when things become pretty much unbearable. Again, I find it amusing that the US fans have always HATED the UK version of the show because the fans are the ones who set the tone on who is evicted and who ultimately wins the game. And yet here they are, blowing up and straight up FABRICATING all sorts of nonsense concerning sole individual, desperately heaping pressure on production to give them what they want(which is to have their fav be guaranteed progression) PATHETIC. It's not a popularity contest via vote, but it may as well be if pathetic production are seen kowtowing to the whims of any outside influence. But should Taylor ludicrously go on to "win", do we think it'll be acknowledged that the only reason she managed it was because she had the game CHEAT-stacked in her favour?? Of course not. They'll try and pass it off as 100% 'game acumen'. EMBARRASSING.
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06-08-2022, 05:01 PM | #24 | |||
Senior Member
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29-08-2022, 01:43 AM | #25 | |||
Rule #1: Never Be #2
Unsurprisingly, the race wars are raging on SM like never before.. Kyle trending as "KKKyle" etc.. being ripped apart and vilified for daring to speculate POC were working together.. (even after suspicious goings-on were supporting his theory)
"Monte to Terrance- It makes sense cause he hears Taylor doesn't want to put Jasmine up as a black woman, he heard that I wanted to work with Ameerah cause I respected the fact that she was a strong black woman. When I knew you were targeting me, I didn't want to put you up" We're now firmly locked in a place where POC are demanding they be given BOD even after they openly admit they "can't" target one of their own. Non POC players just have to nod along, smile and "accept" the situation..no matter the foul stench of racism and blinding hypocrisy that comes attached with it. "Turner- Kyle wants you to be the pawn. Monte- I knew. he did. Turner- I dont want that at all. I dont want to be putting two people of colour on the block either. Monte- He does. That assures one black person is going home this week" You see how ludicrous the game has become? Non POC can no longer make decisions that benefit their individual advancement without fearing the "optics" and the threatening "consequences" that come with those. PATHETIC. |
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