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Old 16-07-2007, 12:40 AM #1
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Default Ghostly Going-ons

Is your house haunted?
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Old 17-07-2007, 02:54 AM #2
.x.x.laura.x.x. .x.x.laura.x.x. is offline
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yes deffo, in my house, on the living room wall, whenever we put a clock up, it always wtops at 1:10 and then breaks, weve had about 7 clocks and each have stopped at this time, my mum contacted a spritualist, who said that the old man who owned the house before us had dies at 1:10, and now he keeps stopping all the clocks on the wall so that we know he is there!
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Old 17-07-2007, 03:10 AM #3
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Our old house was, I swear down. One night I woke up and saw a boy in front of my TV, He disapeared an I didn't get a wink of sleep for 2 days. But to be fair I was half asleep so it could have been my imagination.

One night, I was walking up my stars when i saw this weird shadow, next thing i knew I felt something trying to push me down the stairs! No lies! It was so weird, I felt cold for days.

Finally we had a sleep over and this was the most significant event, I told 'em about the house but they didn't believe me so I said 'If there is anything here, make your presence felt' and the phone rang once the second i finished talking, no one was on the line. My mate said it and it happened to him also, we were pretty freaked out.
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Old 17-07-2007, 11:24 AM #4
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*gathers everyone around the campfire*

The occupants before us in our old house left because their little girl died just outside the house in a tram accident (yes... there were still trams here, shush).
Her old bedroom, became my bedroom - but I was too young to know the story about her dying. Apparently my brother had seen her walking past his room some nights in a white nightie going from the direction of the bathroom into my bedroom - thank god he didn't tell me cos I would've ran so far from that house.

Actually, come to think of it, loads of things happened in that house - I dunno how I managed to live there.

However, I'm skeptical about things like this simply because there is no normal way of explaining it.
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Old 17-07-2007, 11:29 AM #5
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Originally posted by .x.x.laura.x.x.
yes deffo, in my house, on the living room wall, whenever we put a clock up, it always wtops at 1:10 and then breaks, weve had about 7 clocks and each have stopped at this time, my mum contacted a spritualist, who said that the old man who owned the house before us had dies at 1:10, and now he keeps stopping all the clocks on the wall so that we know he is there!
I'm sorry but i don't believe that it was an old man who lived there. I hate it when people say that, i have had loads of experiences with ghosts, and i don't believe in spiritualists neither, they talk rubbish.
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Old 17-07-2007, 11:36 AM #6
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Spooky stories here. I had a "presence" in my house once. Although I actually never saw anything, 2 people saw the figure of a woman, one time passing on the landing, and the other kneeling on a rug in the living room. Things used to happen like appliances being turned off, and when I'd come home from work, they would be on. Just passed this off, until 1 night I came home, and when I opened the door to the hall, there was a wailing noise coming from upstairs. I thought a cat may have got in, but when I stepped out of the hall and into the living room, the noise stopped. When I stepped back in, it started again. I could feel something, and was too frightened to go upstairs. I was ready for leaving the house at that point!
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Old 17-07-2007, 11:44 AM #7
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Ooh, my first ghostly experience was when I was lying in bed one night and just as I was dozing off I heard a muffled snapshot of a whispered conversation between 2 old women - I woke up faster than you can say boo and after about a minute it disappeared. I looked out my window but there was absolutely no-one there, so I went into my mums room and she had woken up to the same sound, but insisted it was in her room (and I was 100% sure it was in my room).
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Old 17-07-2007, 11:47 AM #8
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This story goes on for a while...

When my family was planning on moving house, we decided to do the easy option and build one instead (not as easy as we thought). Things were going ok, we had the layout, the floors sorted etc, but then, in October, my parents were in the pub and one of the builders ran into them and said that they had seen something watching them from the tree's on the land, but my parents ignored them and thought they was drunk, but the man insisted that he had seen something watching him.

Months past and by February are (dream)house was ready. We all moved in and it seemed lovely for a while. Then my mum decided to take me and my brother's visit my nan. We left my dad to do his plastering at the back of the house. We was gone for at least 3 hours. When we returned my dad said to my mum that when she was gone, he heard a load of kids crying in the hallway and thought it was us coming back ages ago, but as i said ^ we have been gone for 3 hours. Then, when i was asleep upstairs, my mum and dad were downstairs watching Emmerdale and they heard the little children screaming and crying (for my dad, it was a second time round). My mum knew there was something wrong and decided to contact the vicar about it. When the vicar came (i was sent to my nans, i was too scared to stay) he performed and exorcism on the house and claimed that it had gone after that. So, after he went, my mum fetched me from my nans and when we was all sat in the Living area, my dad asked if the ghost had gone, mum kept saying she thought it hadn't gone, then my dad started choking and he fell to the floor, (i screamed and cried). Mum said she's sort it in the morning and get the vicar back, then when we was all asleep, all the door handles in the house started rattling and even i could hear the children screaming, my brothers and i were too scared to go to my mums bedroom.

The next day, mum went to another vicar and asked him if he could help, he told mum that Father Kennedy (the other vicar) had done some research and found out that the land had been haunted for a while, he also said that a woman went on there 2 years ago and we never seen again. Mum knew that she couldn't stay there, and decided to move out. (a lot more happened after that, but it would just drag on) When mum and dad was moving things out, mum felt something hug her, and she told dad who then said that it would be better if we left as soon as.

My eldest brother has moved just down the street from there now, and when i was walking his dogs with him, we went around the backs of the house, and i swear i heard a little girl crying.

You don't have to believe me, but what i am saying is true, there is so much more than that ^ but it would drag on, i am planning on writing a book about it when i'm a little older. It was a horrid experience for me.
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Old 17-07-2007, 11:54 AM #9
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I told you it was long!
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Old 17-07-2007, 11:56 AM #10
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Originally posted by Lauren
Ooh, my first ghostly experience was when I was lying in bed one night and just as I was dozing off I heard a muffled snapshot of a whispered conversation between 2 old women - I woke up faster than you can say boo and after about a minute it disappeared. I looked out my window but there was absolutely no-one there, so I went into my mums room and she had woken up to the same sound, but insisted it was in her room (and I was 100% sure it was in my room).
Kind of reminds me of my mate, Nathan's story. He and his mom claimed to have seen a woman with wild hair and burnt black skin, they moved after that and move a lot ever since. It scared them pretty bad.
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Old 17-07-2007, 12:13 PM #11
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My mother died suddenly in the house I grew up in and everyone found it hard to go up to the bedroom where she actually passed away. The thing was that I found it cathartic and although I never felt 'her' there, I could feel something in that house? It could have been my grandparents, and other relatives looking after me? Nowadays, mum (and dad) who died four years before her are always around me in my own home. It gets a bit crowded with them and all of their parafinalia if I'm honest but I know I'm never alone and neither of them will ever pick a fight over nothing any more! Even my 11 year old son said he saw my mother at his friend's house who lives in the house opposite ours. He said "There's my nan", she mouthed "bye" and was gone. That was a good thing for him because it happened about a month ago and he never got to say goodbye properly.

My elderly neighbour passed away some years ago and I knew the exact time she died because she came to say goodbye by her pressence coming through my bedroom! I must be one of those sorts of people? I don't actually SEE spirits but I feel them. I felt my nan sitting with my daughter in the maternity hospital, I felt my dad's gandad and father standing with him as he lost his battle with cancer too. My mum was physically alone when she died but I believe my nan and dad were there with her. Of course I don't know this for definate but I hope so.

I could talk about mine and my children's experiences all day but let someone else talk!
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Old 17-07-2007, 12:45 PM #12
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Your Mother died? Thats dreadful wiglet!
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Old 17-07-2007, 12:47 PM #13
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There are some very weird and interesting stories here. I also have friends and family who have witnessed "figures" and sensed spirits. I am very open minded about this, and do believe in the afterlife.
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Old 17-07-2007, 01:59 PM #14
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My house isnt haunted but my family are very.... ermm... how would I put it....spirtual.

There is a thing that happened to the males on my fathers side of the family. When a male is about to die, three nights before the closest male in the family to that person will hear three knocks for three nights...... and then on the third night it is said that the person has past.

I am not sure I beleive it or not because my dads a bit of a storyteller but my mum claims to have heard the knocks when my dads uncle past.
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Old 17-07-2007, 02:14 PM #15
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Here's a little story, not about my house, but still...

I was at my friends house watching Most Haunted and they were at a place called "Castle Keep" in Newcastle, and they went through the history of the place (lots and lots and lots of history) and then did a little ghost hunt. Loads of little things happened like members of the crew feeling ill etc. Anyway, we were going to Newcastle the next day and so we decided we'd visit there as it was only 50p and we had a whole afternoon free.

We climbed right to the top and were on the castle roof taking pictures of the Tyne/Millennium bridge and then started climbing back down, and as we did my friend got a bit ahead of me on the stairs then suddenly I felt something around my throat (not hands, it felt like I'd walked into a metal bar or something) and it was pushing against my throat so I could breathe but it was choking me, just for literally 2 seconds. Anyway, we didn't wanna go all hysteria and fall down thousands of flights of stairs so we passed it off as something being in my throat.

Anyway, we went into the Queens Chamber and into the servant quarters when I looked into one of the cells and my friend said "Whats that?" I looked down and found a small pebble-like object. Apparently she'd just seen it thrown at me but because it was so small I hadn't felt it. When I picked it up I realised it was the joint bone of something (hopefully an animal!). That day we also heard screams coming from the top of the tower and stuff and although we were the only ones as far as we knew that were at the castle - we couldn't rule out other people.

Wow... was a long story.
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Old 17-07-2007, 02:21 PM #16
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Originally posted by Lauren
Here's a little story, not about my house, but still...

I was at my friends house watching Most Haunted and they were at a place called "Castle Keep" in Newcastle, and they went through the history of the place (lots and lots and lots of history) and then did a little ghost hunt. Loads of little things happened like members of the crew feeling ill etc. Anyway, we were going to Newcastle the next day and so we decided we'd visit there as it was only 50p and we had a whole afternoon free.

We climbed right to the top and were on the castle roof taking pictures of the Tyne/Millennium bridge and hen started climbing back down, and as we did my friend got a bit ahead of me on the stairs then suddenly I felt something around my throat (not hands, it felt like I'd walked into a metal bar or something) and it was pushing against my throat so I could breathe but it was choking me, just for literally 2 seconds. Anyway, we didn't want to go all hysteria and fall down thousands of flights of stairs so we passed it off as something being in my throat.

Anyway, we went into the Queens Chamber and into the servant quarters when I looked into one of the cells and my friend said "Whats that?" I looked down and found a small pebble-like object. Apparently she'd just seen it thrown at me but because it was so small I hadn't felt it. When I picked it up I realised it was the joint bone of something (hopefully an animal!). That day we also heard screams coming from the top of the tower and stuff and although we were the only ones as far as we knew that were at the castle - we couldn't rule out other people.

Wow... was a long story.
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Old 17-07-2007, 02:24 PM #17
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I believe their is a ghost in my room.

Once, not that long ago, i was in my room and i had just put new batteries in my camera and took a photo to just test it and when i took the photo i noticed two "orbs" in the photo and then the camera went dead. I turned the camera back on and took another photo of the same area of the last and there was no "orbs". I took another photo of the television and when the flash went off the camera went dead and the television went off. I turned back on the camera and saw another "orb". I then got a very strong smell of cigarettes. During that night i woke at around 3am and i think, not sure, it was probably my eye playing tricks on me but i could have swore i was a quick flash of light go from one side of the room to the other. Another time i was in the sitting room and i was on the computer, i heard a noise and look behind me to see the door was open. I got up and closed it and went back to the computer. I few minutes later i heard another noise and when i turned around the sitting room table had swung around. I didn't move it and there was no way it could have moved by its self. The able i quite heavy and it would take some strenght to push it.
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Old 17-07-2007, 02:27 PM #18
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In my new Hotel, My bedroom is in the basement, there is a room beside mine and it is an electric/gas room, but sometimes I can hear the noise of a rusty swing, also on the second landing we were taking pictures, and there was a lot of little white orbs, it wasnt dust, since the photo taken straight afterwards was clear, also sometimes I can hear things in the bar, where someone was murdered

Also in one of my old houses, me, my mum (who was very spirtual when she was alive) and my brother, were sat watching "Nightmare on Elm Street" when we heard a scratching sound from upstairs, although we were the only ones in the house, we called our neighbour, (who is also my cousin) over he brought his dog, and the dog did not want to go uptairs
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Old 17-07-2007, 02:31 PM #19
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To Aaron: It's a known "ghostly" phenomena for electrical equipments to drown of energy such as batteries and televisions because apparently it's a way that orbs collect energy ready to manifest. Scary though

To Ant: It's said that dogs are more sensitive to "ghostly" things and whenever there is a presence, a dog will know about it.
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Old 17-07-2007, 02:31 PM #20
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Old 17-07-2007, 02:33 PM #21
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Originally posted by Lauren
To Aaron: It's a known "ghostly" phenomena for electrical equipments to drown of energy such as batteries and televisions because apparently it's a way that orbs collect energy ready to manifest. Scary though

To Ant: It's said that dogs are more sensitive to "ghostly" things and whenever there is a presence, a dog will know about it.
That must mean it was haunted, bt the scratching sounded like Freddy Cruger (and no we didnt have surround sound)
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Old 17-07-2007, 02:35 PM #22
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Originally posted by gifty
hello how are u
Another great post!
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Old 17-07-2007, 03:07 PM #23
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do u think they were a ghost
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Old 17-07-2007, 03:17 PM #24
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i have an absolutley terrifying one!

on night i lost my key so had to wait at the front of our house for my mum to come in (she was due in at about midnight). so instead of waiting outside, i waited at the bus stop (we live on a main road), and while i was there, i saw this man on this bike, and he was riding really slow, and when he went past me, he made this really wierd noise, and i watched as he rode away, and he rode past another man walking a dog, but the dog was going mad at the man on the bike! the dog was trying to bite him, and he kept barking really loud at him, but the man on the bike didnt even move! he just kept on riding like nothing had happened (which was really wierd!), so i just thought that the dog was a bad dog that was really nasty, but it wasnt, because when it came past me it was really really friendy! (it was really nasty to the old man on the bike, but nice to everybody else), anyway, soon after my mum came, and we went in our house and i went to my bedroom, and when i went to shut the curtains, i heard this really strange whistling, and when i looked down the old man was walking past my house (without the bike! and going in opposite direction), and he saw me in the window and looked up and smiled at me! i swear this was something really creepy about this man, he actually looked like a ghost, and i think he was, and to this day, i still see him walking past my house at night but hes always alone and always walks really slow as though hes just wondering around, he is TERRIFYING!!! (who else thinks this is really scary, or is it just me being paranoid?)
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Old 17-07-2007, 03:18 PM #25
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