Yisx Big Brother 1-2004
The ultimate reality show is here on in an Internet game format for your enjoyment. The game will begin in September on a forum called: Yisx, which is connected to the Yisx site. 10 Housemates will be specially selected to enter the Yisx Big Brother 1 Household. Whether you want to watch or audition to be a Housemate make sure you’re active on the forums chatting about it or taking part during the duration!
The game will begin on Friday 10th September 2004. It was last for 9 weeks (64 days) therefore the final will be on Friday November 12th. The game is hoped to entertain many, In the Yisx Forums there are 5 forums, one is called the Outside World forum where viewers can voice their opinions on those Housemates. The second is live action from the House 24/7. All that happened is logged here. Next are the highlight and eviction shows where you can come to cheer (or boo!) the evicted Housemate every Friday, and on the start night come to meet the 10! The 4th forum is the Diary Room Uncut forum where all of the things the Housemates say about each other on MSN Messenger (The Diary Room) is reported back to you! Who nominated who? Find out here! The 5th and final forum for now is the Big Brother’s Little Brother Forum where our special poster Shell will be doing a daily show packed with interviews with fans, polls and games! We hope if you don’t wish to apply to be a Housemate you’ll enjoy the show and maybe even apply the following year.
If you’d like to apply to be on YBB1 then please leave your name under here. My MSN Messenger address is
BigBrothersLittleBrother_150@hotmail.com if you’d like an audition please add me to your MSN and I will interview you there. This is also where the Diary Room will be.
I hope that whatever role you play in Yisx Big Brother 1 you will enjoy it and it will be a worthwhile experience!