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Old 02-02-2025, 05:20 PM #34
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Originally Posted by Quantum Boy View Post
The state doesn't give people more than a basic standard of living. And it absolutely is the state's job to ensure that the economy functions in a way that allows families to be able to exist with a reasonable standard of living. That and defense are literally the state's only two purposes.

Also the idea that everyone can have a bigger slice of pie if they work harder is obviously not true; it's just not how economies work. More work as a collective doesn't = more pie to go around. There is only so much pie. If you work hard you might get more of the pie. Ideally that will come from a wealthier person's slice and not the last crust of some other poor soul's... but it certainly doesn't mean "more pie for everyone". It's a myth. It SHOULD work, because the people with most of the pie SHOULDN'T be able to hoard all of the pie for themselves - but they do.

Like I said in principle I don't disagree that every family should be in a position to afford kids before they have kids, but the reality of that in most of the western world's current situation is a drastic reduction in birth rates and (very quickly) economic collapse. Why do you think the states are banning abortion? It's not because Jesus says abortion is bad, it's because they desperately want to avoid population decline. They don't want it to be that people who can't reasonably continue an unplanned pregnancy due to affordability can easily make that choice. Because year on year more and more people would have to say "Can't afford it". Housing is too expensive. Utilities are too expensive. Food is too expensive. Couples can't "afford kids independently" until they're pushing 40 by which point many either physically cannot, or are settled in life and choose not to.

Class sizes of incoming primary schools in many areas are already at record lows.

just have a peek at SK and you will see the effect of young people choosing not to have kids. They're at the point of offering up massive cash incentives.
Its not that long ago that everyone was having 3 kids, its just popular now not to bother as its too impactful on peoples lifestyles ....I believe if people really want kids they will have them, I know a young lady and her child has just started school, she wont have a second as she says she has just got her life back and that is the same for a lot of working women now, they refuse to add to their families as they have seen the previous generation struggle with full time jobs and a family and I can't say I blame them
'put a bit of lippy on and run a brush through your hair, we are alcoholics, not savages'

Originally Posted by Beso
Livelier than Izaaz, and hes got 2 feet.
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