Originally Posted by bananarama
Sure cuts are needed but not on the scale the Tories propose......The stark reason for draconian cuts made by the same egg heads of the 80's and 90's are so they can finance tax cuts sorry I mean tax bribes in time for the next general election.......The Tories have always been a tax bribing party until enough people rumble the fact that it is all paid for by mass unemployment and down graded services......
Still those with short memories or young and inexperienced regarding Tory right wing lunacy have opened the Tory pandoras box by choosing them at the ballot box.........Now they will learn the hard way and I will laugh my head off......Tory lovers deserve all that is coming to them.......
If you think the cuts are being made to fund tax cuts, you're very wrong. The cuts are necessary because of the MASSIVE, short-sighted and unsustainable overspending by the previous government. It's what happens... Labour get in, spend money like water, splash out benefits to the undeserving, double the numbers of civil servants, throw money at expensive and ineffectual quangos and hair-brained schemes, the country ends up in debt, we have to borrow from the IMF which gets us into more long-term debt. Eventually the Tories are voted back and have to make cuts to address the defecit. It's a vicious circle. During the last government we were, on a lie, also dragged into an unwinnable war that the public were against. Leaving out the human cost of the war, how much do you think that little exercise cost in monetary terms? What do you think would happen if the Tories just carried on regardless with the mindless spending and borrowing? If Labour had done what they promised to do, if they really had ended boom-and-bust like they said they had, we wouldn't be in this position. We're broke. We don't even have our gold reserves anymore because Gordon Brown sold it all while it was at it's lowest value. So much for the "prudence" he banged on about.
Your last paragraph really devalues your whole argument. You should be more angry and vengeful toward the apathetic 50% of people who don't even take it seriously enough to get off their backsides to vote.