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View Poll Results: Are the cuts necessary?
Yes 10 55.56%
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Old 21-10-2010, 09:01 AM #26
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"Im very worried for the future "

But keep Your Chin Up

AsdaWalmartNetto will save your wallet.
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Old 21-10-2010, 09:02 AM #27
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Originally Posted by angus58 View Post
The incoming government was always going to take the heat for the "medicine" that is necessary to "cure" the economic sickness inherited by the incompetent, reckless and totally ammoral outgoing Labour government.

And Alan Johnson's (shadow chancellor) solution if Labour get back in power? Yes, you guessed it, to put up taxes and keep on borrowing - they just never learn do they? I hope to goodness Labour never get the chance to screw up the economy again.

The bottom line is that savage cuts are necessary, and unfortunately some are going to have to suffer more than others. It's deja vu all over again - every time Labour are kicked out of office, the new government has the unenviable task of cleaning up their mess.
Everytime any govt gets out of office theres usually some mess to be cleaned up and we wouldnt be in this mess if it hadnt been for the global financial crisis, the figures speak for themselves...stop turning this into a Labour V Tory thing, both have failed the majority and failed to address the problems that got us in this mess, its the system that needs radical change not the govt


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Old 21-10-2010, 09:15 AM #28
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Originally Posted by arista View Post
"Im very worried for the future "

But keep Your Chin Up

AsdaWalmartNetto will save your wallet.
Especially when this is on the cards...


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Old 21-10-2010, 09:17 AM #29
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"Especially when this "

Everyone is still guessing,
Stand Tall Miss AsdaWalmartNetto Superstar
it may be Tough
but it ain't going to Kill you.
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Old 21-10-2010, 09:19 AM #30
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Originally Posted by arista View Post
"Especially when this "

Everyone is still guessing,
Stand Tall Miss AsdaWalmartNetto Superstar
it may be Tough
but it ain't going to Kill you.
Not me maybe but Im not an "Im alright Jack", I care about the people that will be hugely affected


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Old 21-10-2010, 10:10 AM #31
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I would say though that the new Govt is being very misguided if it really believes the private sector is going to jump in with vacancies at this time in this economic climate.(It does have to sort out the mess of the last govt though), but,--
Look at the main Stores now for a quick example, they are putting in more and more of the self service checkouts, the big store where I am, has now got a policy of when someone leaves the position is not filled if its not a vital role.The nightshift staff have had 5 people leave in the last 4 months and no one has been taken on.

The main checkouts of which there are 30, never have more than 9 operators now so 21 are never in use, the self service checkouts have gone from 6 to 18.
I don't think the Pirvate companies will rush in to ease any new rises in unemployment,rather they will use the cuts, the past recession and the uncertian economic climate to just let their own workforces drop as well.

The fear of losing a job will mean the new overstretched workforces in all those companies will just have to grin and bear it. Scary times ahead for the masses of people.
Unemployment rising is likely to go far past the current estimates.
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Old 21-10-2010, 11:27 AM #32
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Originally Posted by joeysteele View Post
I would say though that the new Govt is being very misguided if it really believes the private sector is going to jump in with vacancies at this time in this economic climate.(It does have to sort out the mess of the last govt though), but,--
Look at the main Stores now for a quick example, they are putting in more and more of the self service checkouts, the big store where I am, has now got a policy of when someone leaves the position is not filled if its not a vital role.The nightshift staff have had 5 people leave in the last 4 months and no one has been taken on.

The main checkouts of which there are 30, never have more than 9 operators now so 21 are never in use, the self service checkouts have gone from 6 to 18.
I don't think the Pirvate companies will rush in to ease any new rises in unemployment,rather they will use the cuts, the past recession and the uncertian economic climate to just let their own workforces drop as well.

The fear of losing a job will mean the new overstretched workforces in all those companies will just have to grin and bear it. Scary times ahead for the masses of people.
Unemployment rising is likely to go far past the current estimates.
Your right Joey, its happening, the private sector hasnt had time to recover to be able to take on more people. I feel for the people who are going to lose their jobs

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Old 21-10-2010, 11:35 AM #33
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Originally Posted by NettoSuperstar! View Post
Your right Joey, its happening, the private sector hasnt had time to recover to be able to take on more people. I feel for the people who are going to lose their jobs
I couldn't agree more, the point you make about the private sector still not fully recovered enough from the last long recession is spot on and its the reason they 'cannot' rather than 'will not' take on more people.

That's not to do just with politics or even just economics,its common sense.
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Old 21-10-2010, 03:02 PM #34
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Old 21-10-2010, 07:06 PM #35
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I went with not sure. I think cuts are needed but not in this magnitude and speed. Its too much too fast in my opinion. I think the cuts should be spread apart more. But then I'm a Socialist and I ****!ng hate the Conservatives so I'll pretty much disagree with whatever they do.
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Old 21-10-2010, 10:56 PM #36
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Originally Posted by joeysteele View Post
What amazes me is that these cuts will hit all over the place and people, but we can still afford to elect 650 MPs to westminster, there are a far greater number of councillors now elected in the UK than ever before, there is the devolved power and new MPs in the Scotland and Wales own government and also there is the MPs we elect to EUROPE too,.

Never has there been so mnay people needed as to the political interests of the UK as there is elected now,all on massive saalsries to boot.
Not forgetting the elected Mayors as well.

No cuts necessary there though.I wonder why?
The 650 MPs to which you refer represent more than 60,000,000 people (most of whom can't even be arsed to vote but still feel justified in complaining). My MP has a constituency of around 90,000 people and he is there to represent their interests whether or not they voted for him. He does that with three full time staff working virtually flat out. He also holds weekly surgeries. I know this isn't going to be a popular comment, but the majority of MPs work really hard for their constituents and far fewer of them abused the expenses system than the press would have you believe. Even with their expenses MPs get a lot less than a senior manager in the private sector.

Councils and parliament are two entirely separate things. Councillors get an annual payment of around Ł4,000pa and represent your interests at your local council.

MEPs are a necessary evil. If they weren't there, our interests wouldn't be protected and we'd be led by the nose by the other members of the EU.

The cuts are necessary because of the massive overspending of the previous government. If we don't do something now, future generations will have the debt passed on to them.
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Old 22-10-2010, 10:21 AM #37
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Originally Posted by arista View Post

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Ha! like it

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Old 22-10-2010, 01:04 PM #38
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Originally Posted by Livia View Post
The 650 MPs to which you refer represent more than 60,000,000 people (most of whom can't even be arsed to vote but still feel justified in complaining). My MP has a constituency of around 90,000 people and he is there to represent their interests whether or not they voted for him. He does that with three full time staff working virtually flat out. He also holds weekly surgeries. I know this isn't going to be a popular comment, but the majority of MPs work really hard for their constituents and far fewer of them abused the expenses system than the press would have you believe. Even with their expenses MPs get a lot less than a senior manager in the private sector.

Councils and parliament are two entirely separate things. Councillors get an annual payment of around Ł4,000pa and represent your interests at your local council.

MEPs are a necessary evil. If they weren't there, our interests wouldn't be protected and we'd be led by the nose by the other members of the EU.

The cuts are necessary because of the massive overspending of the previous government. If we don't do something now, future generations will have the debt passed on to them.
Actually livia, put the way you have in the comment above quoted, You have me re-thinking my view on the elected people to Parliament etc.

The points you make above are very powerful arguments for the system so I have to congratulate you on making them. I cannot dispute a single point you make.

I actually take back my criticism of the numbers of elected representatives that I made earlier on this thread.
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Old 22-10-2010, 10:44 PM #39
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Originally Posted by arista View Post

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His caracatures seem to get more and more evil, lol. Cameron is basically a condom head now.
No matter that they act like senile 12-year-olds on the Today programme website - smoking illegal fags to look tough and cool. No matter that Amis coins truly abominable terms like 'the age of horrorism' and when criticised tells people to 'fuck off'. Surely we all chuckle at the strenuous ennui of his salon drawl. Didn't he once accidentally sneer his face off?
- Chris Morris - The Absurd World of Martin Amis

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Old 23-10-2010, 03:03 AM #40
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Sure cuts are needed but not on the scale the Tories propose......The stark reason for draconian cuts made by the same egg heads of the 80's and 90's are so they can finance tax cuts sorry I mean tax bribes in time for the next general election.......The Tories have always been a tax bribing party until enough people rumble the fact that it is all paid for by mass unemployment and down graded services......

Still those with short memories or young and inexperienced regarding Tory right wing lunacy have opened the Tory pandoras box by choosing them at the ballot box.........Now they will learn the hard way and I will laugh my head off......Tory lovers deserve all that is coming to them.......
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Old 23-10-2010, 12:20 PM #41
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Originally Posted by bananarama View Post
Sure cuts are needed but not on the scale the Tories propose......The stark reason for draconian cuts made by the same egg heads of the 80's and 90's are so they can finance tax cuts sorry I mean tax bribes in time for the next general election.......The Tories have always been a tax bribing party until enough people rumble the fact that it is all paid for by mass unemployment and down graded services......

Still those with short memories or young and inexperienced regarding Tory right wing lunacy have opened the Tory pandoras box by choosing them at the ballot box.........Now they will learn the hard way and I will laugh my head off......Tory lovers deserve all that is coming to them.......
If you think the cuts are being made to fund tax cuts, you're very wrong. The cuts are necessary because of the MASSIVE, short-sighted and unsustainable overspending by the previous government. It's what happens... Labour get in, spend money like water, splash out benefits to the undeserving, double the numbers of civil servants, throw money at expensive and ineffectual quangos and hair-brained schemes, the country ends up in debt, we have to borrow from the IMF which gets us into more long-term debt. Eventually the Tories are voted back and have to make cuts to address the defecit. It's a vicious circle. During the last government we were, on a lie, also dragged into an unwinnable war that the public were against. Leaving out the human cost of the war, how much do you think that little exercise cost in monetary terms? What do you think would happen if the Tories just carried on regardless with the mindless spending and borrowing? If Labour had done what they promised to do, if they really had ended boom-and-bust like they said they had, we wouldn't be in this position. We're broke. We don't even have our gold reserves anymore because Gordon Brown sold it all while it was at it's lowest value. So much for the "prudence" he banged on about.

Your last paragraph really devalues your whole argument. You should be more angry and vengeful toward the apathetic 50% of people who don't even take it seriously enough to get off their backsides to vote.

Last edited by Livia; 23-10-2010 at 12:22 PM.
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Old 23-10-2010, 12:33 PM #42
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Originally Posted by Livia View Post
If you think the cuts are being made to fund tax cuts, you're very wrong. The cuts are necessary because of the MASSIVE, short-sighted and unsustainable overspending by the previous government. It's what happens... Labour get in, spend money like water, splash out benefits to the undeserving, double the numbers of civil servants, throw money at expensive and ineffectual quangos and hair-brained schemes, the country ends up in debt, we have to borrow from the IMF which gets us into more long-term debt. Eventually the Tories are voted back and have to make cuts to address the defecit. It's a vicious circle. During the last government we were, on a lie, also dragged into an unwinnable war that the public were against. Leaving out the human cost of the war, how much do you think that little exercise cost in monetary terms? What do you think would happen if the Tories just carried on regardless with the mindless spending and borrowing? If Labour had done what they promised to do, if they really had ended boom-and-bust like they said they had, we wouldn't be in this position. We're broke. We don't even have our gold reserves anymore because Gordon Brown sold it all while it was at it's lowest value. So much for the "prudence" he banged on about.

Your last paragraph really devalues your whole argument. You should be more angry and vengeful toward the apathetic 50% of people who don't even take it seriously enough to get off their backsides to vote.

Wow, Livia, please think about standing for parliament, you would get my vote. I am unable to disagree with one single word.
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Old 23-10-2010, 12:51 PM #43
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Originally Posted by Livia View Post
If you think the cuts are being made to fund tax cuts, you're very wrong. The cuts are necessary because of the MASSIVE, short-sighted and unsustainable overspending by the previous government. It's what happens... Labour get in, spend money like water, splash out benefits to the undeserving, double the numbers of civil servants, throw money at expensive and ineffectual quangos and hair-brained schemes, the country ends up in debt, we have to borrow from the IMF which gets us into more long-term debt. Eventually the Tories are voted back and have to make cuts to address the defecit. It's a vicious circle. During the last government we were, on a lie, also dragged into an unwinnable war that the public were against. Leaving out the human cost of the war, how much do you think that little exercise cost in monetary terms? What do you think would happen if the Tories just carried on regardless with the mindless spending and borrowing? If Labour had done what they promised to do, if they really had ended boom-and-bust like they said they had, we wouldn't be in this position. We're broke. We don't even have our gold reserves anymore because Gordon Brown sold it all while it was at it's lowest value. So much for the "prudence" he banged on about.

Your last paragraph really devalues your whole argument. You should be more angry and vengeful toward the apathetic 50% of people who don't even take it seriously enough to get off their backsides to vote.
Absolutely agree with everything you say, but you will never get through to totally deluded labour supporters. I can't even be arsed to respond any more to the puerile, uninformed and disingenuous drivel that some post on here.

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Old 23-10-2010, 01:36 PM #44
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Originally Posted by BB_Eye View Post
His caracatures seem to get more and more evil, lol. Cameron is basically a condom head now.

but he is such a Great Artist.

He also destroys the Milliboys
with a banna and panda death ray vision of Ed.
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