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BB15 Big Brother 15 - aka Big Brother: Power Trip. The launch date was Thursday 5th June 2014. Discuss the series won by Helen Wood here.

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Old 21-07-2014, 05:17 PM #1
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Default [b] The Victims [/b]

We have a group in there who perceive them selves as victims. The underdogs as some on here quote, not very good at anything other than watching, monitoring, huddling in secret and bitching their time away instead of getting involved and enjoying the experience they have been given.

Why do these 'B' rated people ever go in there in the first place, they all ready know they are life's misfits, the not so ' cool' kids ?

They feel threatened just by the mere fact that the supposed, better looking, cooler, more interesting kids are in the same room as them and in doing so they pale away, shy away, paint themselves as victims.

For once let's get one of the cool, edgey gang win, instead of reverting to the Mr or Mrs nice show, Oh, he's got good manners, he doesn't swear, he or she is sweet and is an underdog, hasn't done much but that doesn't matter etc, etc etc.

Or failing that, have a reality game show where the Machiavellian can win with out the interference of the makers of the program.
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Old 21-07-2014, 05:23 PM #2
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Nobody in the show is painting themselves as victims? Some people in there prefer intelligent conversation rather than childish antics. Some people enjoy their experience in different ways. It's not their fault BB choose to air the drunken ramblings, insults and antics over natural social situations and conversation. The so-called 'uncool' kids are the edgy, cool ones to me. The other lot are repetitive, empty and dull.
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Old 21-07-2014, 05:24 PM #3
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only Jale was a victim


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Old 21-07-2014, 05:40 PM #4
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Originally Posted by delta View Post
We have a group in there who perceive them selves as victims. The underdogs as some on here quote, not very good at anything other than watching, monitoring, huddling in secret and bitching their time away instead of getting involved and enjoying the experience they have been given.

Why do these 'B' rated people ever go in there in the first place, they all ready know they are life's misfits, the not so ' cool' kids ?

They feel threatened just by the mere fact that the supposed, better looking, cooler, more interesting kids are in the same room as them and in doing so they pale away, shy away, paint themselves as victims.

For once let's get one of the cool, edgey gang win, instead of reverting to the Mr or Mrs nice show, Oh, he's got good manners, he doesn't swear, he or she is sweet and is an underdog, hasn't done much but that doesn't matter etc, etc etc.

Or failing that, have a reality game show where the Machiavellian can win with out the interference of the makers of the program.
That pretty much sums it up but alas your findings will not be met with much sympathy on here as the cool kids, another name for the interesting kids, have few followers. This years misfits are a bunch of Billy no mates at home and on here they look good mainly because the so called cool kids are pretty outspoken and rather boisterous. I guess we want to watch top of the pops whilst the Songs of praise gang bleats morality.

Its a game show with dorks galore and too many game players this year to sift through and find a winner. Never mind, the Billy no mates crowd will get their fun this week but I do believe that the GBP will voice an opinion that might come out in favour of ''The interesting Kids'' who knows, you decide.
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Old 21-07-2014, 05:49 PM #5
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Chris/Ashleigh to conquer the bullies, vote for them if you're for the #beatbullying campaign/
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Old 21-07-2014, 05:50 PM #6
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Originally Posted by mrflibble View Post
Nobody in the show is painting themselves as victims? Some people in there prefer intelligent conversation rather than childish antics. Some people enjoy their experience in different ways. It's not their fault BB choose to air the drunken ramblings, insults and antics over natural social situations and conversation. The so-called 'uncool' kids are the edgy, cool ones to me. The other lot are repetitive, empty and dull.

The show would have been scrapped weeks ago if it would have been left to the 'victims' why do you think Helen was given a pass to the final?

Wake up, do you honestly think that Pauline just chose Helen by random, the only reason that Helen agreed to go in there is if she was given some sort of guarantee that she wouldn't be booted out in the first week. Hence the pass to the final. It's been rigged from the start.

If you want natural so called 'social situations' which I don't think you would get if it was left to the 'victim' group, they would probably turn on each other and have a biatch fest ,that's all they are good at, putting others down. It's a kind of a passive aggressive control thing, they can't do so they criticise. Anyway, if you want so called natural situations go to your local library were you will get a sanitised version of life. The 'cool gang' is where it is at for the most, they are in there to entertain not sit around bitching and as I said I don't think that if the victims were left on their own that they would be able to carry the show or hold a meaningful conversation.

The other thing is, the 'cool gang' for the most just want to enjoy themselves, the friction comes when the 'victims' either can't, won't or just don't know how to ,they would rather sit in the corner pointing an accusing finger, saying ooh look at them for christ sake, how un-lady like or how un- gentlemanly. This is a game show, supposedly reflecting life, how on earth would you make a program with just the victims on it is beyond me.

Last edited by delta; 21-07-2014 at 05:51 PM.
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Old 21-07-2014, 05:57 PM #7
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How is going to my local library anything like watching 16 strangers being forced to live in an enclosed and slightly manipulated house in a game show? Totally different. The 'cool' gang are not entertaining to me and many others. The quieter people would come out of their shells more if they weren't shouted down every time they opened their mouths. They're all trying to enjoy themselves, but everyone has different versions of entertainment. If a group of people aren't allowed to relax because they'll get their heads bitten off by aggressive douchebags then of course they're going to seem miserable.

And Helen has been the absolute worst thing about this show. It would be much more relaxed and fun without her there. I honestly don't understand why people would like or find the cool kids entertaining, but I know everyone's different and has their own brand of fun or whatever. Also the so-called 'victim' group do not put others down, that's what the so-called 'cool' kids constantly do. They know they can't get by on having personality or likability so have to pick on the quieter people. It's weak, nasty and not entertaining to watch at all.
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Old 21-07-2014, 06:29 PM #8
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Originally Posted by mrflibble View Post
How is going to my local library anything like watching 16 strangers being forced to live in an enclosed and slightly manipulated house in a game show? Totally different. The 'cool' gang are not entertaining to me and many others. The quieter people would come out of their shells more if they weren't shouted down every time they opened their mouths. They're all trying to enjoy themselves, but everyone has different versions of entertainment. If a group of people aren't allowed to relax because they'll get their heads bitten off by aggressive douchebags then of course they're going to seem miserable.

And Helen has been the absolute worst thing about this show. It would be much more relaxed and fun without her there. I honestly don't understand why people would like or find the cool kids entertaining, but I know everyone's different and has their own brand of fun or whatever. Also the so-called 'victim' group do not put others down, that's what the so-called 'cool' kids constantly do. They know they can't get by on having personality or likability so have to pick on the quieter people. It's weak, nasty and not entertaining to watch at all.

Are you sure you are watching the same program as the rest of us?

For 38 days all Ashliegh and Danielle did was sit up on high and judge along with the their leader, forget her name, the Nigerian girl. Now that Danielle has gone the, oh so nice Ashliegh, has completely disowned her bitching partner and stated she was the reason for keeping her down nothing to do with being bullied or shouted down by the 'cool gang' ,and as far as I can see she is every bit of a biatch as Helen has been portrayed to be.

The problem is, they are life's victims and this show is just a portrayal of life, you can't play a game like this for so long it's quantam maths, in short, your behaviour will out. Add into the deliberate meddling by BB and there is no way you can short circuit this program, it was it is and the people are what they are. It's quite clear who the game players are, nothing wrong with that but they aren't, for the most, coming from the cool gang.

As for saying that the victim gang would be a lot more at ease if certain members of the cool gang weren't around in nonsense, the victims wouldn't know how to enjoy themselves if they were left a house full of booze, a load of records and gear to dress up in. As the Alexandre O'neil song goes, " All you want to do is criticise, if it gives the victims some sort of power and position they can't do anything else, feel inadequate ( where in reality, they could if they just let the poison go)

How apt that now Danielle has gone, Ashleigh has now turned to Chris to be her bitching partner, they both constantly need to justify their own self worth by putting down others. Passive aggression in its' worst format. To a lesser extent you can include Christopher and ' I am everyone's friend, I am not having it' razor wire up his Jacksie- Mark in the above fest as well.
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Old 21-07-2014, 06:42 PM #9
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If the only way people can have fun is with booze, records and dress up gear then they obviously don't have much to offer. Ashleigh and Chris don't need to justify their self worth because they are already very grounded and level headed. They have ALL bitched to some extent but it's quite clear the only ones doing it with any malice or with any sense of needing to feel better about themselves are the 'cool' ones. There's a big difference between bitching about people doing things they are doing and bitching about people because you can't focus on anything but other people's faults.
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Old 21-07-2014, 06:45 PM #10
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Originally Posted by reece(: View Post
only Jale was a victim
Ashleigh was briefly, too, when Jale/Kim/Helen got all schoolgirly and played the whole "lol we know secrets about you you bitch" routine.

Oh and Marlon over the whole button thing.

Originally Posted by Saph View Post
You're giving me a million reasons about a million reasons

Last edited by Shaun; 21-07-2014 at 06:46 PM.
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:04 PM #11
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Originally Posted by mrflibble View Post
If the only way people can have fun is with booze, records and dress up gear then they obviously don't have much to offer. Ashleigh and Chris don't need to justify their self worth because they are already very grounded and level headed. They have ALL bitched to some extent but it's quite clear the only ones doing it with any malice or with any sense of needing to feel better about themselves are the 'cool' ones. There's a big difference between bitching about people doing things they are doing and bitching about people because you can't focus on anything but other people's faults.
Booze is the drug of choice, the rest is how most of the Western World let their hair down, the example used was to demonstrate how the 'victims' are so far away from the norm, nothing wrong with that, but what are they doing on the show , they knew what they were letting themselves in for.

Focusing on people's faults?? What, so when did they become the judge and jury, and you are definitely watching a different show if you think that the cool gang are remotely bothered about the 'victims' then you are sadly out of tune to what is going on in the program. The 'cool gang' exist, they were termed that by the 'Victim', I think it was Chris. A need to label, to understand and then to be able to dissect it, poke it, ridicule it, compartmentalise it, be bigger and better than it, look down on it. That's where it started.

Any counter bitching or 'commenting on faults' was just that, a retaliation,mainly not understanding why they were in there and just didn't want to enjoy themselves. Now, I agree, there are different ways of enjoying yourself but the if the 'victims' as already discussed, were given the ultimate way of letting their hair down they wouldn't know what to do. They are conditioned to sit back and watch, that's where they get their power from, putting other people down and into boxes that way they can make sense of the world around them and survive.
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:10 PM #12
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Originally Posted by delta View Post
Booze is the drug of choice, the rest is how most of the Western World let their hair down, the example used was to demonstrate how the 'victims' are so far away from the norm, nothing wrong with that, but what are they doing on the show , they knew what they were letting themselves in for.

Focusing on people's faults?? What, so when did they become the judge and jury, and you are definitely watching a different show if you think that the cool gang are remotely bothered about the 'victims' then you are sadly out of tune to what is going on in the program. The 'cool gang' exist, they were termed that by the 'Victim', I think it was Chris. A need to label, to understand and then to be able to dissect it, poke it, ridicule it, compartmentalise it, be bigger and better than it, look down on it. That's where it started.

Any counter bitching or 'commenting on faults' was just that, a retaliation,mainly not understanding why they were in there and just didn't want to enjoy themselves. Now, I agree, there are different ways of enjoying yourself but the if the 'victims' as already discussed, were given the ultimate way of letting their hair down they wouldn't know what to do. They are conditioned to sit back and watch, that's where they get their power from, putting other people down and into boxes that way they can make sense of the world around them and survive.
Set up a poll, I bet more people agree with Flibble than you
Ashleigh gets outed...

Helen gets outed...

Last edited by KeanO; 21-07-2014 at 07:10 PM.
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:16 PM #13
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Originally Posted by mrflibble View Post
Nobody in the show is painting themselves as victims? Some people in there prefer intelligent conversation rather than childish antics. Some people enjoy their experience in different ways. It's not their fault BB choose to air the drunken ramblings, insults and antics over natural social situations and conversation. The so-called 'uncool' kids are the edgy, cool ones to me. The other lot are repetitive, empty and dull.
Do you not remember the Oscar nominated performance that Chris gave when he was saved from eviction. He definately excels at his profession. While he tries to paint a caring, vulnerable persona. When you look through the bravado you see an uppity little snake who thinks he is superior to everyone in and out of the house. Time to take your blinkers off.
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:28 PM #14
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Originally Posted by delta View Post
Are you sure you are watching the same program as the rest of us?

For 38 days all Ashliegh and Danielle did was sit up on high and judge along with the their leader, forget her name, the Nigerian girl. Now that Danielle has gone the, oh so nice Ashliegh, has completely disowned her bitching partner and stated she was the reason for keeping her down nothing to do with being bullied or shouted down by the 'cool gang' ,and as far as I can see she is every bit of a biatch as Helen has been portrayed to be.

The problem is, they are life's victims and this show is just a portrayal of life, you can't play a game like this for so long it's quantam maths, in short, your behaviour will out. Add into the deliberate meddling by BB and there is no way you can short circuit this program, it was it is and the people are what they are. It's quite clear who the game players are, nothing wrong with that but they aren't, for the most, coming from the cool gang.

As for saying that the victim gang would be a lot more at ease if certain members of the cool gang weren't around in nonsense, the victims wouldn't know how to enjoy themselves if they were left a house full of booze, a load of records and gear to dress up in. As the Alexandre O'neil song goes, " All you want to do is criticise, if it gives the victims some sort of power and position they can't do anything else, feel inadequate ( where in reality, they could if they just let the poison go)

How apt that now Danielle has gone, Ashleigh has now turned to Chris to be her bitching partner, they both constantly need to justify their own self worth by putting down others. Passive aggression in its' worst format. To a lesser extent you can include Christopher and ' I am everyone's friend, I am not having it' razor wire up his Jacksie- Mark in the above fest as well.
BRILLIANT POST. I totally agree with you. Very well thought out and very fair points. Well done
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:30 PM #15
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Originally Posted by Shaun View Post
Ashleigh was briefly, too, when Jale/Kim/Helen got all schoolgirly and played the whole "lol we know secrets about you you bitch" routine.

Oh and Marlon over the whole button thing.
Bitch Ashleigh was never EVER a victim. Horrible girl. I hope people wake up to her. She couldn't be big enough to confront people to THEIR FACES about her issues with them.
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:31 PM #16
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Originally Posted by KeanO View Post
Set up a poll, I bet more people agree with Flibble than you
I totally agree with her. She has put across very valid and thought provoking points and I think she is right
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:32 PM #17
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Originally Posted by rionablue View Post
BRILLIANT POST. I totally agree with you. Very well thought out and very fair points. Well done
I also agree, well thought out post and true as well.
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:32 PM #18
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Originally Posted by RockBottom View Post
Do you not remember the Oscar nominated performance that Chris gave when he was saved from eviction. He definately excels at his profession. While he tries to paint a caring, vulnerable persona. When you look through the bravado you see an uppity little snake who thinks he is superior to everyone in and out of the house. Time to take your blinkers off.
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:33 PM #19
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Originally Posted by sampvt View Post
i also agree, well thought out post and true as well.
oh my god sam we agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:43 PM #20
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Originally Posted by delta View Post
We have a group in there who perceive them selves as victims. The underdogs as some on here quote, not very good at anything other than watching, monitoring, huddling in secret and bitching their time away instead of getting involved and enjoying the experience they have been given.

Why do these 'B' rated people ever go in there in the first place, they all ready know they are life's misfits, the not so ' cool' kids ?

They feel threatened just by the mere fact that the supposed, better looking, cooler, more interesting kids are in the same room as them and in doing so they pale away, shy away, paint themselves as victims.

For once let's get one of the cool, edgey gang win, instead of reverting to the Mr or Mrs nice show, Oh, he's got good manners, he doesn't swear, he or she is sweet and is an underdog, hasn't done much but that doesn't matter etc, etc etc.

Or failing that, have a reality game show where the Machiavellian can win with out the interference of the makers of the program.

If you want one of that sought of winner, i would watch dicks are us if i were you.

However, piss the bed Charlotte won CBB, so there you go.
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:50 PM #21
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Calm down everyone its only game!
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Old 21-07-2014, 07:57 PM #22
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Originally Posted by rionablue View Post
I totally agree with her. She has put across very valid and thought provoking points and I think she is right
Pity the majority of the public don't
Ashleigh gets outed...

Helen gets outed...
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Old 21-07-2014, 08:06 PM #23
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Originally Posted by Shaun View Post
Ashleigh was briefly, too, when Jale/Kim/Helen got all schoolgirly and played the whole "lol we know secrets about you you bitch" routine.

Oh and Marlon over the whole button thing.
Jale distanced herself from helen and kim in that argument
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Old 21-07-2014, 08:14 PM #24
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Originally Posted by KeanO View Post
Set up a poll, I bet more people agree with Flibble than you

500,000,000 eat sh!t every day, it doesn't make them right.
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Old 21-07-2014, 08:18 PM #25
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Originally Posted by delta View Post
500,000,000 eat sh!t every day, it doesn't make them right.
I like eating KFC, Burger King etc several times a week am i wrong.
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