Day 12 (25/09/18) in the house - BB 19 2018

BB_AkeemA~1.jpgBig Brother 2018Akeem.

BB_AkeemAndZoe.jpgBig Brother 2018Akeem and Zoe.

BB_AkeemB~0.jpgBig Brother 2018Akeem.

BB_BrookeSianCameronZoe.jpgBig Brother 2018Brooke, Sian, Zoe and Cameron.

BB_Cameron~5.jpgBig Brother 2018Cameron.

BB_CameronA~4.jpgBig Brother 2018Cameron.

BB_CameronAndLewisG.jpgBig Brother 2018Cameron and Lewis G.

BB_CameronB~2.jpgBig Brother 2018Cameron.

BB_CameronC~1.jpgBig Brother 2018Cameron.

BB_CameronD.jpgBig Brother 2018Cameron.

BB_CameronE.jpgBig Brother 2018Cameron.

BB_CameronIsaacKenaleySianTomasz.jpgBig Brother 2018Cameron, Isaac, Kenaley, Sian and Tomasz.

BB_CameronLewisFZoe.jpgBig Brother 2018Cameron, Lewis F and Zoe.

BB_Cian~3.jpgBig Brother 2018Cian.

BB_GroupA~29.jpgBig Brother 2018Group.

BB_GroupB~17.jpgBig Brother 2018Group.

BB_GroupC~11.jpgBig Brother 2018Group.

BB_GroupD~3.jpgBig Brother 2018Group.

BB_GroupE~0.jpgBig Brother 2018Group.

BB_GroupF~0.jpgBig Brother 2018Group.

BB_GroupG~1.jpgBig Brother 2018Group.

BB_Isaac~3.jpgBig Brother 2018Isaac.

BB_IsaacA~2.jpgBig Brother 2018Isaac.

BB_IsaacB~2.jpgBig Brother 2018Isaac.

BB_IsaacC~0.jpgBig Brother 2018Isaac.

BB_IsaacKenaleySian.jpgBig Brother 2018Isaac, Kenaley and Sian.

BB_Kay~5.jpgBig Brother 2018Kay.

BB_KayA~4.jpgBig Brother 2018Kay.

BB_KaySianBrooke.jpgBig Brother 2018Kay, Sian and Brooke.

BB_KenaleyA~2.jpgBig Brother 2018Kenaley.

BB_KenaleyAndIsaac.jpgBig Brother 2018Kenaley and Isaac.

BB_LewisFAndAkeem.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis F and Akeem.

BB_LewisFAndKay~1.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis F and Kay.

BB_LewisFIsaacKenaley.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis F, Isaac and Kenaley.

BB_LewisFIsaacKenaleyA.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis F, Isaac and Kenaley.

BB_LewisFIsaacKenaleyB.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis F, Isaac and Kenaley.

BB_LewisG~6.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis G.

BB_LewisGA~1.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis G.

BB_LewisGAndKay.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis G and Kay.

BB_LewisGAndKayA.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis G and Kay.

BB_LewisGAndKayB.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis G and Kay.

BB_LewisGAndKayC.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis G and Kay.

BB_LewisGAndKayD.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis G and Kay.

BB_LewisGAndKayE.jpgBig Brother 2018Lewis G and Kay.

BB_TomaszAndBrooke.jpgBig Brother 2018Tomasz and Brooke.

BB_TomaszAndCian.jpgBig Brother 2018Tomasz and Cian.

BB_TomaszAndKenaley.jpgBig Brother 2018Tomasz and Kenaley.

BB_TomaszKenaleyCian.jpgBig Brother 2018Tomasz, Kenaley and Cian.